Help, please?
So I really want to watch Twilight. Because hell, if I had to read those 4 series, I better have man-candy to perve on, you know? And what better form do they come in than Robert Pattinson and Jackson Rathborne?
The thing is, my want for watching that movie does not surpass my want for not wanting to pay to watch the movie. Are you still with me? Good. So I attempted to be all sneaky and win tickets thinking if I do win merchandise, all those suckers will fall prey to my eBay exclusive sale of the century. But naturally, since Stephanie Meyer is a cockblocking piece of work, the contest has to be her brand of fail too.
I simply cannot find it within myself to come up with a good enough lie about how I love Twilight in 20 words or less. Twilight, is essentially Twatlight to me. And really, the only answer my brain can come up with is this:
Fine. I'll pay my way there, fuck you very much.