This post is dedicated to the Prepster
This strangely disturbing picture of Voldy, Bellatrix, Dumblydore and Pottah welcomes you to the mother of all picspams.

[add on]: Obviously this post is coming out much later than "two days late". But well, let's say delays were necessary due to a grueling schedule and important GChats, okay? Right on.
Warning: This picspam is severely limited because a) my heterosexuality means I have more pictures of guys in my folder and b) you have pretty shitty taste in female celebrities. Oh gosh, maybe I should lay off the mocking since this post is meant to be a gift (of some sort). Anyhow, I have searched through all my picture folders and I think you'll be sufficiently happy with the pictures I have compiled. Or maybe not. The purpose of picspams is to perve, and I'm an equal opportunity perve. I have endeavoured to add some pictures of Miss-Acts-With-Her-Eyebrows but I don't think you'll like the context they're in.
Onwards with the picspam!

We begin with some old school Harrison Ford. I know you love the Indiana Jones trilogy (
You were the only person I knew who didn't think Casino Royale would bomb with Daniel Craig at the helm, and obviously we're having the last laughs now. Well, technically the movie studios are. But po-tay-to, po-tah-to. To thank you for your support, here is a picture of the lovely Eva Green.

Okay, so you didn't actually care one bit about the casting in the movie. But you let me rant about it and pretended to be interested, as you do whenever I get on a pop-culture related tangent, so I'm grateful for that.
Gratuitous pictures of Scarlett Johansson, because everybody should appreciate how hot she is;

At least we're in agreement with when it comes to the status of her gorgeousness.
But proving that brunettes are inherently hotter, here is Eliza Dushku.

Oh, you don't believe my theory about brunettes doing it better? Well, observe:

Alright, so it's been established then. Going by hair colour, brunettes tend to be hotter than blondes. It's just a fact. Learn it, love it, spread it.
More pictures of ScarJo for your time;

Now, as I'm sure you know, Nick, a Nick picspam would not be complete without one certain actress from a very popular Young Adult movie/book franchise.

This is not it.

For the random reader at home, here's a chance for you to play along. Guess which pretty princess from the Harry Potter franchise, Nick is completely enamoured with?
Right off the bat, I can tell you that Ronald Weasley is not in the running.

Actually Nick isn't a big fan of the Wealeys at all, so Ginny is out:

as are Ginger Twins,

and my favourite stoner hobo, RPattz.
Remember. Early on, I gave you a very big clue about Nick's preference in actresses (read: pretty shitty). That should be a dead giveaway right there. So unfortunately, Katie Leung/Cho Chang is not the one.

although I don't understand why, cause home girl cleans up great.

And by that extension, neither is Clemence Poesy/Fleur Delacouer.

Here's a bunch of pictures of her looking relatively cute.

I mock because I love. I'm sure you know how this works by now. That being said, I am sincerely sorry your 21st was terrible. At least you've managed to find little things that have made the day better (card/phone calls/this - because we're still making like this was posted on your actual birthday, you see). I know that next year's birthday is going to be fantastic and you know how I know that? Cause my friends and I are going to cut whatever bitch that stands in the way of your day.